Saturday, January 18, 2020

CHAPTER XXIV - Revelation 11:1-2 - 地上的聖所 THE SANCTUARY ON EARTH

(Revelation 11:1-2)

第七號是最長的號,包括十章十一章的異象,這號一吹就是七年。參看第十章七節:「在第七位天使吹號發聲的時候【文法顯示他正在開始吹號】,神的奧秘就成全了,正如神所傳給他僕人眾先知的佳音。」然後十一章十五節:「第七位天使吹號【完了】,天上就有大聲音說:世上的國,成了我主和主基督的國,祂要作王直到永永遠遠。 」

The seventh trumpet call is the longest and includes visions in chapter 10 and chapter 11. This trumpet call lasted seven years. Chapter 10, verse 7 says: “But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet (the grammar here shows that he is starting to blow the trumpet), the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.” Later on, in chapter 11, verse 15, it says: “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever an d ever.”

所以第七號的長度,是地上七年大災難的長度。像當日攻打耶利哥城的時候,以色列人由祭司領隊圍繞耶利哥城吹號六天,第七天繞城七次,祭司也拖長吹號聲,城牆就塌了( 書6:) 。這一章是在第七號之中。

Therefore, the length of the seventh trumpet is the length of the seven years of tribulation on the earth. Like when the Israelites took over the city of Jericho, the priests marched around the city for six days blowing their trumpets, on the seventh day they marched around the city seven times and the priests sounded a long blast of the trumpets and the walls of Jericho fell (Joshua 6). This chapter takes place during the seventh trumpet.


1 有一根葦子給我當量度的杖,且有話說:起來,將神的殿和祭壇,並在殿中禮拜的人,都量一量。

1 I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers.

新約聖經有叁個辭翻作聖殿。(1) Oikos ,是「家」的意思,舊約常用「神的家」來代表聖殿。「我且要住在神的家中,直到永遠。」( 詩23) 這是猶太人普通百姓講到神的殿之時常用的辭。(2) Ieron ,整個大聖殿範圍,包括外邦人院、婦女院、所羅門廊子等。(3) Naos ,聖所,包括聖所與至聖所,祭司院以色列院,猶太人作禮拜,外邦人不能進去之地。

In the New Testament there are 3 words which could be translated into temple. (1) OIKOS, means house, the Old Testament uses “the House of the Lord” to represent the temple. “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever .”( Psalms 23) That is the word commonly used when the Jewish people when referring to God's temple. (2) IERON, the entire temple area, including the court of the gentiles, the women's court, Solomon's colonnade, etc. (3 ) NAOS, the sanctuary, including the sanctuary and the holy of holies, the court of the priests, the court of the Israelites, the place where the Jewish people worship God, where gentiles are prohibited to enter.


In the New Testament, only the book of Hebrews distinguishes the sanctuary from the holy of holies. In the four Gospels and other epistles when they talk about the temple, it sometimes refers to the “great temple”, and some to the “sanctuary” . In Revelation whenever it speaks about the “temple”, it all refers to “the sanctuary”. The author of the book of Hebrews attaches importance to the difference between the sanctuary and the holy of holies, which is the difference between soul and the spirit. Paul's epistles also attach importance to a man's body, soul and spirit, like the difference between the outer courts and the sanctuary, but Revelation only uses the word “sanctuary”, which is “the inner temple”.



The sanctuary in this verse, is it in heaven or on earth? The several times that the sanctuary is mentioned in Revelation, it refers to the sanctuary in heaven, but here it refers to the sanctuary on earth. How do we know that?


(1) John often sees the sanctuary in heaven, but every time he only sees part of it, the throne of God, the altar of incense or the altar of sacrifices, the lampstand, etc. He never sees the whole sanctuary. But in this chapter he sees the entire sanctuary, the outer court, the outside of the temple; he even sees the holy city, therefore, what he sees here is the sanctuary on earth.


(2) John would not have been able to measure the sanctuary in heaven. The heavenly sanctuary is extremely huge and the sanctuary is not separated from the holy of holies. The sanctuary in heaven includes the whole area for worship, from the God's throne of grace to the altar, without any boundaries. Every time, John only saw part of it because it was so immense, plus there are so many millions of angels worshiping God. But in this chapter, John is told to measure the sanctuary. He was given a reed like a measuring rod because it was a task given to him to be done on the earth. The sanctuary on earth was something which John could measure.


(3) Here the sanctuary with its worshipers is to be measured but not the outer court of the gentiles, the unbelievers. Therefore, it refers to the sanctuary on the earth because there are only unbelievers on the earth.


2 只是殿外的院子要留下不用量,因為這是給了外邦人的,他們要踐踏聖城四十二個月。
2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.


Here the outer court is not measured because it has been given to the Gentiles. This vision pertains to the Jewish people; it is the revival of the Jewish church and the revival of the Jewish people because during the seven years of the great tribulation the Jewish people are still on the earth. 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2, tells us that the man of sin, the son of perdition, will appear. He will defile the sanctuary. At the end, Christ will come with all His glory and destroy him. In other words, there must first be a sanctuary on earth, in order for the desecration of the sanctuary to happen.


The book of Daniel chapter 9, verse 27, “He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on the desolated city.” The vision that the prophet Daniel saw was about the last seven years when the Antichrist appeared. He established a peace agreement in the Middle East, there was peace for three-and-a-half years. At that time the temple should have been rebuilt and regular worship services were taking place. The “abomination that causes desolation” is bound to be from the Middle East as many places in the Middle East are desolate.


There will be tribulations everywhere in the world but the greatest disaster will be in the Middle East because the wrath of God will be poured out on it. But God's chosen people, the Church will rise and witness and have worship services.



There are temples from different eras and a temple that has not emerged yet.

第一個是所羅門王在主前957 年所建,是根據摩西的會幕樣式,特別加大,變成很宏偉的殿,成了第一個敬拜的聖殿。獻殿的時候,約櫃抬進至聖所,那時聖殿充滿神的光雲,表明神喜悅祂子民的事奉。叁百多年後,這殿受到巴比倫尼布革尼撒王的破壞,他把所有貴重的器具搬走。原因是猶太人離開神,不重視在聖所裡親近神的生活,被擄到外地幾十年,也失去寶貴的聖殿。直到後來改朝換代,波斯興起,古列王纔讓他們回國重建聖殿與聖城。

The first temple was built by King Solomon on 947 BC, which was built according to the Tabernacle model given by Moses, but on a huge scale, it was a very impressive temple, and became the first place of worship. During the offering of the temple, when the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the Holy of Holies, the glory of God filled the temple, which showed that God was pleased with the offering of His people. Three hundred years later, the temple was destroyed by the Babylonians during the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar and he took away all the treasures from the temple. All this happened because the Jewish people had left God out of their lives and did not value their intimate relationship with God in the sanctuary; and so they were taken captive to a foreign land for several decades, and lost their magnificent temple. The Jewish people were not able to return to their own place, rebuild the temple and the holy city until the rise of Persian Empire under the rule of King Cyrus.

主前516 年建成第二個殿。所羅巴伯、以斯拉、尼希米、哈該、撒迦利亞等先知花了幾十年,克服所有困難,忍耐敵人的干擾而建成,這殿沒有所羅門殿的氣派。大利烏王准許他們把前尼布革尼撒所搶去的器具,帶回去放在聖殿裡,甚麽都有了,除了約櫃。獻殿的時候,也看不見神的同在,沒有出現神的光雲。不過眾百姓還是非常激動。

The second temple was built in 516 BC The prophets Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai and Zechariah spent several decades overcoming all kinds of hardships to build this temple but it wasn't as magnificent as the one that Solomon constructed. King Darius let them put back all the vessels and utensils that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Solomon's Temple, the only thing that was missing was the Ark of the Covenant. At the time of the offering of the temple God's glory and his presence could not be seen but all the people were still very excited.

希臘時代,波斯衰落,巴比倫又來破壞這殿,不是完全的拆毀,但也已受到嚴重的損害。到主耶穌降生之前,大希律王蒙凱撒奧古士督委任去統治以色列地,他執政的時候要討好猶太人,所以在主前廿年,發動修葺聖殿,花了46 年時間把破落的聖殿大修。所以現在猶太人有個修殿節,約在十二月中的時候開始,比聖誕節早一點的Hanuka ,是舊約聖經所沒有記載的節期。

During the Greek era, and the decline of Persia, Babylon destroyed the temple again, it was not demolished completely but it was severely damaged. Before Jesus was born, Herod the Great was appointed by Caesar Augustus to rule over the land of Israel. When he took office in 20 BC he wanted to please the Jews so he started repairing the temple and it took 46 years to finish all the repairs, which is why, today, the Jewish people celebrate Hanuka . This festival takes place in December, a few days before Christmas. This feast is not recorded in the Old Testament.

耶穌出來傳道那一年,聖殿剛修好,第一年使用,很多做生意的人趁機會擺賣,耶穌把他們趕出去。他們就問耶穌,還顯甚麽神蹟給他們看?耶穌說,你們拆毀這殿,我叁日內重建起來。他們說,這殿46 年纔建起來,其實那隻是修理,但對於他們來說,等於是新的殿。就是第叁個殿了。

During the first year of Jesus' ministry, restorations to the temple were finally completed and many people took advantage of that opportunity to do business there, but Jesus drove them all away. They asked Jesus to show them a sign to prove His authority to do that. Jesus said: “Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days.” They said: “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple .”Actually the temple was just repaired but to them it was as if it had been built anew. This was the third temple.

在公元70 年的時候,因猶太人謀反動亂,羅馬軍進城把聖殿全毀壞,沒有一塊石頭在另一塊石頭上面。只剩下西牆,就是現在的哭牆。猶太人還沒有醒悟。神要求的是他們有好的敬拜生活,只要愛主、事奉主,就有聖殿,也有國家。如果離棄神,就甚麽都沒有了。

In 70 AD , because the Jewish people planned a revolt, the Roman Army destroyed the temple totally, not one stone remained on top of another, and only the Western Wall remained, which is today's Wailing Wall. Jewish people still do not realize that what God wants is a good worship lifestyle; as long as they love the Lord, serve the Lord, they will have a temple and a country. If they leave God, they will have nothing at all.



In the prophecies we see that there are two other future temples, one is in Revelation chapter 11, which appears during the last 7 years, later on becomes desecrated and trampled and possibly gets destroyed in the end. That one is the fourth temple.

在以西結先知的異象裡,看到有第五個殿。他記載得很詳細,從40 章到48 章都在描寫那個聖殿。不是這裡同一個殿,因為以西結書43:7 :祂對我說:「人子阿,這是我寶座之地,是我腳掌所踏之地,我要在這裡住在以色列人中間,直到永遠。」既然是永遠的殿,就不是第四個殿。因為第四個殿不是永遠的。不過想像他們建造新殿的時候,一定會參考以西結所描寫的將來的殿。

In the vision that the prophet Ezekiel has, he sees the fifth temple. He describes it in great detail. Chapters 40 to 48 describe that holy temple. It is not the same temple that we are talking about here, because Ezekiel 43:7 says , “He said: “Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet. This is where I will live among the Israelites forever. ””Since it is an everlasting temple, it is not the fourth temple because the fourth temple does not last forever. But to get an idea of how to build the new temple, they definitely refer to Ezekiel's description of the future temple.

其實以西結先知只見過一個聖殿,就是所羅門的殿。他30 歲開始做祭司,那時聖殿還在。他35 歲之時,就是做了五年之後,聖殿被拆毀了,他失業、被擄了。他在異像中所見的,跟所羅門的殿格式大小都不同。以西結所看見的是最宏偉的。在這末世,寸金尺土之時,不曉得以色列人有沒有辦法蓋出這麽大的殿。如果他們真的蓋成這麽大的殿,表示他們全體對神的心是堅定的,離開教會復興就不遠了。

Actually, Ezekiel only saw one temple which is Solomon's temple. He became a priest when he was 30 years old; at that time the temple was still there. When he was 35 years old, after being a priest for 5 years, the temple was destroyed; he became unemployed, and was taken captive. The temple that he saw in his vision was completely different than Solomon's temple. What Ezekiel saw was a most magnificent temple. During the end times, when the land resources are so scarce, we wonder if the Israelites would be able to build such a great temple. If they could really build such a magnificent temple, it would show that their hearts are really firmly set towards God, and revival of the church is very near.



Jesus once said: “A time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem…Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth.”


According to the above statement, the temple itself is not as important. Yet for the Jews the temple is still very important because it is the foundation of their faith. Wherever they fall they will stand up. In the Old Testament, the way to preach God's word was through worship services, testimonies, praises, and a prayerful lifestyle. In other words, their worship services were their great evangelistic and missionary meetings.


he way that Jesus's disciples preached the Gospel was their lifestyle. When people saw the disciples of the Lord worshiping in Spirit, their hearts would be filled with faith and reverence. But, nowadays, when people preach the Gospel, it is directed to people's minds , they want to convince people to be part of their church, thus making many intellectual Christians; they do not have a spiritual experience. Their so called faith is nothing more than an intellectual acknowledgement, without spiritual light.


The Jews considered it important to worship God in the sanctuary which He designed, through hymns, praises, preaching and teaching of prophets and priests, prayer, offering of sacrifices, making vows, etc. to witness the greatness of God, and to feel the Lord's presence with them.


In today's setting, it would be similar to celebrating a happy event by inviting friends to their homes to share a meal while sharing their testimonies and singing hymns of praise. On the other hand, when a family encounters difficulties , everyone would pray together and try to understand their problems. They would share the burden together, encourage and comfort each other through hymns and God's word. This is using the experiences of everyday life to preach the Gospel. This is the best method.



What does it mean to “measure the temple with its worshipers”? There are two views regarding the measuring of the temple and its worshipers.

( 一) 認為是保護之意。子民被量過之後,神加上祂的保護,量過之後就安全了。

(1) Measuring means protecting. After the people have been measured, God added His protection on them and they were safe and secure.

( 二) 認為是身有所屬。屬於主的人要量一量。

(2) Measuring means belonging. Those who belonged to the Lord were measured.


I think these two explanations are questionable. Measuring does not mean protection. This temple was later desecrated and controlled by the Antichrist. Therefore, measuring does not mean protecting. Neither does measuring mean belonging to God. Even though the worshipers belong to God and the temple is used to worship God, measuring is different than receiving the seal of the Holy Spirit. Being sealed leans more towards belonging to God and receiving His protection. It resembled the seal that the shepherds from ancient times put on their flock, showing that the sheep belonged to them.

但用尺量度卻不同。最好用以西結43 章以經解經:10 人子阿,你要將這殿指示以色列家,要使他們因自己的罪孽慚愧,要他們量殿的尺寸。11 他們如果因自己所行的一切事慚愧,你就將殿的規模樣式、出入之處,和典章禮儀法則指示他們。使他們遵照殿一切規模典章去作。

However, measuring with a ruler is different. The best way is to use Ezekiel 43:10-11 as a means of using Scripture to explain Scripture. 10 “As for you, son of man, describe the temple to the house of Israel that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the plan. 11 If they are ashamed of all that they have done, make known to them the design of the house, its structure, its exits, its entrances, all its designs, all its statutes, and all its laws. And write it in their sight, so that they may observe its whole design and all its statutes and do them.”


Therefore, measuring the temple and the worshipers is a way to find out if they conform to the standards. It expresses the concern of God towards His people to see if they have grown to the proper stature. The views of the modern church let the people of God go through the wide and easy way. That is like building a foundation out of straw and hay.


Jesus said: “Enter through the narrow gate (the narrow way).” A person's life must meet certain standards in order to enter through. God's people must use the proper way to worship God and serve Him with a pure heart. Anyone can participate in the choir, read the Bible, pray and learn to preach. But only those who are holy, separated from sin, those whose hearts are free from idols, only those people will be pleasing and acceptable to God. That kind of work is like gold and precious stones. What God is measuring is the quality of the person, not the quantity. It is good to have a lot of people, but what is more important in God's heart is what kind of people are those who serve Him. People say they will never be able to live up to God's standards. But do not worry about that, God is not using His standards to measure people. God told John to measure using John's standards to judge the people of God.

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