Tuesday, February 4, 2020

願祢的國降臨 - 啟示錄的信息 The Message of the Book of Revelation by 葉華牧師 Rev. Carpus Yip (Bilingual Edition: 中文/English-- English Translation by Estela Yip)

願祢的國降臨 - 啟示錄的信息

Thy Kingdom Come - The Message of the Book of Revelation by 葉華牧師Rev. Carpus Yip


The time of Christ's return is near, His eternal Kingdom will descend on earth. The main message of Revelation is not about the end of the world, but about the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. The Lord Jesus Christ himself asked John to relate the important message of Revelation in an accurate way. How can we be complacent and ignore his intentions?


Therefore, The writer's endeavor is to explain each chapter and each verse carefully, in order to provide a big picture of the entire book of Revelation.


Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.( Revelation 1:3)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Rev. Carpus Wah Yip 葉華牧師 (1946-2018)

Rev. Carpus  Wah Yip 葉華牧師  (1946-2018)

CHAPTER I - 啟示錄 Revelation 1:1-3 - 末世預言 PROPHECY OF THE END TIMES


啟示錄 Revelation 1:1-3)


The Bible is an amazing book, many of its prophecies about the end times have already been fulfilled, so we can be sure that the remaining part of the prophecies will certainly be fulfilled.


Prophecies about the future are often written in symbolic language. Revelation is like a jigsaw puzzle, if some parts of the human history are unclear, we just have to look for the missing pieces and put them together, that way we will be able to see God's perfect plan. We just need patience to put the puzzle together.


Some people think that as long as they are good Christians and witness for the Lord, they do not need to study the prophecies in the Bible. In reality, if you really want to be a good disciple of the Lord, or be a witness for Him, you need to study the prophecies in the bible very carefully. Why?


1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him.


It is the revelation of God and the revelation of Christ. To reveal means “to uncover”. There are many mysteries hidden in God's treasure-house. God wants to uncover them so that people may know what they are. Only God knows what will happen in the future. Only He can tell people what will happen in 100 years or 1,000 years from now. Isaiah 46:10 says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.” Nobody knows the future, but God wants us to know what will happen beforehand. God does not intend to hide things from us.


When Bible scholars study the Bible, they pay attention to the theological thoughts of each book. Paul and John each have their own theological thoughts. Their writings bring up their own distinguished features, their own vision and their own view. Their message was directed towards a specific group of people and their spiritual needs. When you look at the writings of the Gospel of Luke versus the Gospel of John you will find that their styles are very different.


Many scholars, when they study each book, they have to think about to whom the book was directed to at that time. What were the needs of the readers? What kind of message was given to them? Therefore, some scholars believe that Revelation was written for those Christians who were suffering and going through tumultuous times under the rule of the Roman Empire. The parts in Revelation that were difficult to understand were due to the fact that Christians were afraid of the Roman government so they used hidden language in their writings . Therefore, as long as they could find the message of comfort and encouragement for the believers at that time, then that was enough.


But the book of Revelation is an amazingly unique book. When Jewish people write letters, they do not mention their own names, but in this book of Revelation the author writes his name, specifying that it was the Revelation of Christ to him.


For this book, we do not have to study the theology of John because from beginning to end, this book does not contain John's own words. He said it clearly that this book is Christ's own words to him, or visions shown to him by an angel sent by Christ. So we do not have to know what his views of future events are, we just need to know what he saw.


1 叫祂將必要快成的事。
1 to show his servants what must soon take place.


All the events in this book are prophecies. Many Bible commentators tell us to ignore this fact, and to treat this book as the other books of the Bible. They tell us to look only for spiritual lessons, and not to worry about how things will happen or when they will happen. They are wrong, because this book clearly states at the beginning of it that it is a prophecy. Since is it is a prophecy, we need to know how it will be fulfilled. A prophecy is different than a prediction. When the Olympic Games are held somewhere in the world next year, people might be able to predict that the prices of hotels will increase. Will this definitely happen? Not really. If the country where the games are to be held gets into a civil war, is boycotted by other countries, or suddenly faces a natural disaster, the Olympic Games might be canceled, and the hotels might have to have big price cuts. So what was predicted might not happen. The prophecies of the Lord will definitely take place soon, they will not change.


This does not mean that God predestined those things to happen. It is a prophecy because God has already seen the future; He is just letting us know beforehand what will happen. It is something that mankind cannot understand. Because we live inside time, we have to follow a timeline. God lives outside time; He can see the whole entire history as it unfolds in front of Him. Of course He can tell us what will happen in the future.


Some people say that this book contains too many symbols; it is too difficult to study. What does it mean when it mentions a Beast with seven heads, unclean spirits and locusts, Babylon or the Great Harlot? Also there are too many catastrophic and horrifying events; therefore they are too afraid to study it. But we have to remember, the reason why our Lord wants us to know about these events  before they happen is to comfort us, not to terrify us and to show us  that He is God and that He is in control of everything.


When we know in advance that the future outcome will have a perfect ending, though the midst of it might seem alarmingly dangerous, we should not worry. Many things that are happening in the world might make people angry, but we know the truth of how it will end, therefore we can face things calmly. He reminds us, look further away; whatever we encounter today is not the end. After suffering the pains of childbirth, the newborn baby will come into the world, and then it will be a happy ending.

所以我們的心要得安慰鼓勵,無論遇到什麼事,無論有多大痛苦,總要對主忠心。啟示錄的七印、七號、七碗,都是在描寫地上的災禍,只有到第七號的時候,才稱為佳音(10:7) 。那必定是指到信徒被提的時候,是災難中的喜訊.

So our hearts are comforted and encouraged, no matter what happens, no matter how great the pain and suffering, we have to be loyal to our Lord. The seven seals , seven trumpets, and seven bowls, depict the scourges on earth; only at the sound of the seventh trumpet will the mystery of God be accomplished, good tidings (10:7). That for sure will be the time of the rapture when the believers are caught up to be with the Lord in heaven, the joy among the tribulation.


1 指示祂的眾僕人。
1 To show his servants.


The Lord revealed the future to John, not only for him to know about it, but for him to show us, His servants, what must soon take place. Therefore, the purpose of this book is for us to read it so we can know how to be prepared. If it clearly states that we must read it, how could we not read it?


But we have to ask: “Why is it so hard to understand?” There are many reasons why we do not understand this book:

( 一) 這是二千年前的辭匯,而且是用不同的文字,就是古希臘文寫成的,古希臘文是已經停用多年的文字,這就有一定的困難。就像讀中國古文、甲骨文,當然不容易了解。

1) It was written 2000 years ago in another language, which was ancient Greek. Ancient Greek has not been used for many years and that is one of the reasons why it is so hard to understand. Even if it would have been written in ancient Chinese or in oracle bone inscriptions, it would have been very difficult to understand.

( 二) 想像二千年前的約翰看到21 世紀的電影,恐怕很多他所看見事物,都不明白,他也沒有現代的文字可以描寫。他看見飛機在天空,他能怎樣形容呢?大概是碩大的蝗蟲包著鐵甲,尾巴像蝎子,聲音像許多車馬奔跑上.

2) Imagine John from 2,000 years ago watching a 21st century movie. I am sure that he would not have been able to recognize any of the things that he was seeing; he would not even know how to describe those objects. If he saw airplanes flying in the sky, how would he describe them? He would probably say that they were like locust with breastplates of iron, with a tail with stingers like a scorpion and the sound of their wings were like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. In those times people did not even know what gunpowder was, how could they describe the weapons of war that we use today?

( 三) 啟示錄有多種異象。有描寫地上的事,有描寫天上的事,有描靈界的事。像人看畫,有寫實派,有抽象派,也有寫意派,都要用不同的欣賞法。啟示錄各段都有不同的解釋方法,不能一概而論。有些憑字面解,有用靈意解。

3) There are a variety of visions in Revelation: Visions of things on earth, in heaven and in the spiritual realm. Like people looking at different styles of paintings, some are realistic paintings, some are abstract, others are impressionistic paintings, and each style must be appreciated in its own way. Likewise, different parts of the book of Revelation might need different ways of interpretation, some parts have to be explained literally and other parts spiritually.


1-2 祂就差遣使者曉諭( 顯示make known) 祂的僕人約翰,約翰便將神的道,和耶穌基督的見證,凡自己所看見的,都證明( 見證) 出來。

1-2 He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John, who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

神的顯示包括(1) 神的話,(2) 基督的見證,(3) 自己所看見的事。約

God's revelation includes (1) the Word of God, (2) The testimony of Jesus Christ, (3) and everything that John saw. God showed John the things that were going to happen in the 21st century as if he was watching a movie .

啟示錄裡面共有44 次約翰說「我看見」。沒有別的書像它一樣,完全是啟示。神在整個人類歷史裡面,唯有這本書,祂用了最多種的方法,啟示給人知道祂國度怎樣完成的事。歷史中有多種啟示方法:

John said the words “I saw” forty four times in the book of Revelation. There is no other book in the Bible like the book of Revelation that contains so many prophecies. God used many ways to reveal Himself to humans throughout history:


1) God spoke to Moses face to face. Moses could not see God because God used clouds and fire to cover His own glory.


2) God took Paul to the third heaven. Paul and a few disciples had an out-of-body experience and they were able to hear inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.


3) God used visions, dreams and angels to relate messages. Like what Daniel, John, Peter and others saw. Joseph received instructions from an angel of what to do in his dreams many times. The ways of revelation mentioned above are very special cases which God used to give a clear message to certain people.

第四種,是默示inspiration 。那是人心靈裡得到靈感,用自己的話寫出來。先知的信息與多本經卷,都是用這種方法。他們寫的東西,都有濃厚的個人風格.

4) Inspiration. After being moved by the Spirit, the writer would use his own words to record the message. The prophets and many books in the Bible are inspired by God this way. Their writings have a strong personal style.


5) Inner feeling or voice, which is God's most basic way for speaking to people. Usually is right or wrong, red light or green light, no specific message, like the Urim and Thummim from the Old Testament.


This book uses most of the ways of revelation: Being taken to the third heaven, visions, message from an angel. John's own views are very few, they are all words spoken to us by God. How could we not read this book?


3 念這書上預言的和那些聽見又遵守其中所記載的,都是有福的,因為日期近了。

3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.


Those who read this book, those who hear it and those who take to heart what is written in it will definitely be blessed because they will be prepared for when these things will happen and will live a watchful life.

像突擊的考試,許多人通不過,因為沒有作好準備。常準備的人必能通過。主吩咐我們儆醒,「免得那日子如同網羅,忽然臨到我們。」( 路加21)

Like an unexpected exam, many will not pass it if they are not prepared for it. Those who are always prepared will for sure pass the exam. The Lord told us to be watchful, “Be careful, or…that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.” (Luke 21)


The Lord commands us not to be conformed to the patterns of this worldly life or to the temptations of this world because He will come like a thief in the night and will not announce Himself beforehand. The Bible tells us over and over again to be alert , therefore we should be watchful. In Revelation there are seven “blessed” words and all of them are related to being watchful.


What does it mean to watch and wait? It does not mean to quit our jobs, wear a white robe and stand on top of a mountain to wait. Let us be prepared like a bookkeeper who has nothing to hide when someone comes to audit his books.


“Because the time is near”, these words have been spoken for more than 2,000 years, so when is the time really near? We know that the events have already started to happen, when the last angel sounds the trumpet, we will be caught up to be before the Lord.

「論到時候日期」( 帖前5:1) 保羅在這裡用了兩個辭描寫時間,一個指「次序」,像崇拜唱詩之後是禱告,到這程序就知道下一個程序是什麼。另一個辭,有的時候會翻譯作season ,可譯作「時機」。他所講的時候日期,都不是時鐘、日曆所指示的時間。

“About times and dates” (1 Thessalonians 5:1) Paul uses two words to describe the timing. One refers to a sequence of events like during worship time; prayer comes after singing the hymns. At that time we will know what event will take place next. The other word sometimes is translated into season, or timing. The times and dates does not refer to the hours or minutes of a day.

「這福音要傳遍天下,然後末期才來到。」( 太24:14) 這也是說出等候成熟的時間。就像禾田成熟,就是收割之時。不是釘著日曆看,乃是要看成熟的程度。

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14). This is the time to maturity. Like the harvest time when the grain becomes ripe. Not according to the calendar but according to the maturity of the grain.


The Bible prophecies were not written to satisfy the curiosity of the people but to show the people how to live. If people knew that a hurricane would be coming tomorrow, today you would do some preparations. Revelation begins with a promise: Blessed are those who hear it and take heart what is written in it.

CHAPTER II - 啟示錄 Revelation 1:4-8 - 全備的福音 FULL GOSPEL

啟示錄 Revelation1:4-8)


Whenever people write a letter it is always with a purpose. Once you know the purpose of the letter you will be able to understand its content better. When you read the Bible you need to pay attention to the purpose of each book so you can better understand its content. The purpose of the entire book can often be found in the introduction. From this passage, though it is an introductory greeting, we can clearly see the purpose of the book.


People always say that the content of the book of Revelation makes people fearful. People are fearful because they do not have the ability, the power or the authority to control certain things from happening. If they could control events from happening they would not be afraid.


When people travel by air, they believe that due to the advancement in technology they can achieve full control of the aircraft and the weather and cope with various difficulties. But when they encounter severe turbulence, then they start getting scared; if they see the engine falling off from the plane, they will really panic and start to cry frantically. At that moment they will realize that they are not omnipotent beings. Many unbelievers have the misconception that they can solve anything on their own and that they do not need to depend on God at all. Yes, God has given us a problem-solving mind, we can successfully solve some life issues wisely, but if you think that there is no need for God, you better think again.


People who believe that they have the wisdom and the ability to cope with any kind of unexpected circumstances think that way because they have not yet encountered extreme difficulties.


In the past, when people encountered difficult situations, they would examine themselves to see where they went wrong and then they would turn their hearts to God and seek Him. Children would listen to their parents after they have been disciplined. But during the end times , when people encounter hardships, they will curse God. Children will sue their parents for disciplining them. They have the misconception that they have the power to control their own destiny. John wants us to know what real power is so we know how to face the future events of the end times the right way. So the theme of this passage is: “THE PERFECT FULLNESS OF GOD”.


4 約翰寫信給亞西亞的七個教會,但願從那昔在、今在,以後永在的神,和祂寶座前的七靈,5 並那誠實作見證的神,從死里首先復活,為世上君王元首的耶穌基督,有恩惠平安歸

4 John, To the seven churches in the province of Asia: Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before His throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.


Christ reigns sitting on the throne passed down from David; the kings of old were not permanent, only Christ will reign forever.


In here there are many words that appear only in Revelation, words like “who is”, “who was”, and “who is to come”, “the seven Spirits”, “the firstborn from the dead”; these words tell us that He is the almighty, all knowing, eternal living God.


In addition, there are words like “made us to be a kingdom”, “priests to serve His God and Father”, “the Alpha”, “the Omega”, “the Almighty”, etc. that appear only in Revelation . Here we see, the Triune Almighty God bestowing His grace upon us.


Some people might say that their idols work wonders and are very powerful. But their power is inferior. Satan has the power to steal, murder, and destroy; he can use sorcery to hurt others, he can help people have riches and glory for a brief period of time, but he cannot give people new life, abundant life, and eternal glory.


5 祂愛我們,用自己的血使我們脫離罪惡。6 又使我們成為祂父神的王國與祭司。

5 To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, 6 and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father.


Christ's plan of salvation freed us from our sins and made us to be a kingdom and priests. The verbs used here are all in the past tense. We do not have to wait for the future, it already happened; it is all part of the history of the church. It was a process which the Kingdom of Christ had to go through in order to be established.


How did He establish this Kingdom? It was completely done by Christ:

( 1) 祂自己流血救罪人。( 2) 使這些人成為王國即教會。( 3) 使這些人成為祭司,做世人與神之間的中間人,為人代求,這才是完備的救恩。並不是使人得救就完工了。

(1) He shed His own blood to save sinners. (2) He made these people to become a Kingdom which is the Church. (3) And made them to be priests, to be a mediator between God and the people of this world , and to pray for them. This is the complete plan of salvation. It was not just for people to be saved.

基督的工作做到哪一步才是完全?是在信徒脫離了自我中心生活,成為幫助人的祭司,成為主的王國,也就是王國中的官員Officer ,與主一同作王。這樣好像已經完全了,其實還有一步。

When is Christ's work complete? Christ's work is complete when the believer breaks away from his self-centered lifestyle and becomes a priest to help the people; when he becomes the kingdom of the Lord and an officer of the kingdom, to reign together with the Lord. After all this happens, it may seem that the task is completed, but there is one more step.

7 看哪,祂駕雲降臨,眾目要看見祂,連刺祂的人也要看見祂,地上的萬族都要因祂哀哭。

7 “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.”


He is coming back with the clouds to complete the entire operation.  We kind of get an idea of it by watching a Jewish worship ceremony. The priest will enter into the Sanctuary to pray for the congregation while the congregation waits outside, similar to Christ praying for us in the Sanctuary in heaven. After the priest is done performing his duty, he then comes out to bless the congregation; at that point the worship service is completed.


A cloud represents the presence of God. Christ ascended to heaven with the clouds; officially restored as the Almighty God. At that time He was leaving this world temporarily and only a few had the opportunity to see His awesome glory. When He comes back the second time, He will also be coming with the clouds but then He will be returning in all His glory and majesty.


Jesus Christ first came into this world with love and forbearance to complete His plan of salvation. When He returns the second time, He will appear as the righteous God, the Judge, and the Majestic King.


Although this book mentions many disasters, wars, the destruction of the temple and the evil schemes of the empire that is against God, we should focus our attention on that wonderful day when Christ will return with all His saints. When He returns, He will first meet with the raptured saints in the heavenly sanctuary. That is the time of the wedding banquet of Christ, and the seven years of great tribulation on the earth. The ones who remain on the earth are the unbelievers and those who will believe in the Lord during the seven years of tribulation, including the Jews.


When the Lord came to this world the first time He kept a low profile, as He was born in a humble manger. When He ascended to heaven it was also very low-key, only the disciples saw Him depart. But, when the Lord returns for the second time, it will not be low-key anymore, every eye will see Him, and all the peoples on earth will mourn because of Him. He will come as the King who will judge the whole world. He will return in such a grandiose way that we cannot even imagine.


John did not know how to express this spectacular scene, so he said: “So shall it be! Amen.” No matter how respectable a person is, there will always be someone who will despise him. No one can get the whole world to bow down to them, but when the Lord returns to earth again, everyone will bow down to Him because He is the King of Kings, He is the Judge Most High.


8 主神說:「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,是昔在、今在、

8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is , and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”


This sentence can only be found in book of Revelation. The Alpha and the Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet which means that the Lord established everything from the beginning, no one else could do that but Him. History started with mankind but it will not last forever. Ancient Egyptian Civilization is just a small part of it, if it was not for self-destruction of mankind, humans could have gone to space thousands of years earlier, but people progress to a certain extent, then war occurs, self-destruction. Only the Lord God is the beginning and the end, His kingdom is everlasting.


When we can only see a small part of the whole picture, we tend to think that whatever happened is bad. For example, when see the suffering of the Church in Smyrna, one of the seven churches in Revelation, we think is bad; but God can use different events, different circumstances, and different ways to benefit those who love Him. Things that happened to us that we think are bad can actually be for our own good.

這段經文出現「全能神」這一個詞。到底祂怎樣的全能呢?聖經有多個能力的字:有權柄、有大力、有威力,這裡是指掌控之能。全能者 panto+krater 全所有 掌控。民主 demo+crat 是「人民+ 掌控」,獨裁 auto+crat 是「獨自+ 掌控」。「全能神」就是「全所有掌權者」。這個

The word “Almighty” appears in this verse. Actually, how almighty is God? The Bible uses different words for power like: authority, strength, might. Here it refers to the power to control. The Almighty, “panto+ krater”= ( total + control). Democrat “demo+crat” is control by the people. Autocrat “ auto+ crat ”= (sole + control). “Almighty God” means “The One who has absolute control over everything.” This word tells us that the history of mankind, from beginning to end, is under God's absolute control.


During these tumultuous times we do not have to worry because our Lord is God Almighty and He has “absolute control over everything”. As long as we do not neglect Him, we will be able to enjoy a happy life just like a child.

CHAPTER III - 啟示錄 Revelation 1:9-11 - 建造中的天國 KINGDOM UNDER CONSTRUCTION


 (啟示錄 Revelation 1:9-11)


Many people think that the purpose of Revelation is to describe the prophecies of the end times. Actually, the main theme of Revelation is not about the disasters of the end of the world, but the completion of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven began its construction during the times of Jesus and it is still under construction today.


Some people are very confused about the idea of the Kingdom of Heaven. Some say: The Lord will build the Kingdom of Heaven after He returns in the future. In fact, Jesus already said in the beginning that the Kingdom of Heaven had already started. We already talked about what Christ did for us in an earlier section. He freed us from our sins, and made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve His Heavenly Father. All the verbs are in the past tense. Christ already began His work ; in other words, the Kingdom of Heaven is already under construction, but it has not been completed yet.


The Kingdom of Heaven is nearing its completion. In the middle part and towards the end of the book of Revelation, it repeatedly tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is formally completed, Christ the King is officially reigning. Right now we are still in the construction process. There may be many difficulties and unforeseen circumstances on the way, as those who participate in the construction process will be facing changes and  turmoil. But the Lord has already told us beforehand about the hardships we may encounter so that when these things happen we will not be caught by surprise. If we are prepared, we will know how to confront these difficulties. Here are a few short Bible verses which can give us a first look at some important things in the Kingdom of Heaven.


9 我約翰,就是你們的弟兄,和你們在耶穌的患難、國度、忍耐裡一同有分,為神的道,並為給耶穌作的見證。

9 I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.

約翰本來在以弗所牧養教會,當時的皇帝Domitian 不准他傳道。在公元95 年把他囚禁在拔摩小島,去開礦作苦 工。那時約翰也大約有95 歲,還要做這些粗重的苦工。到了96 年,那皇帝死了,接任的皇帝 Nerva 把他釋放。他再回到以弗所教會牧會。一共被囚禁了18 個月。

John was originally pastoring a church in Ephesus when the Emperor Domitian forbade him to preach the word of God. In the year 95 AD he was sent to the island of Patmos as a prisoner to do hard labor in the mines. At that time John was approximately 95 years old, but he still had to do such strenuous work. In 96 AD Domitian died and Emperor Nerva succeeded him and freed John from prison, then John went back to pastoring the church in Ephesus. He was imprisoned for 18 months.


The island of Patmos is a very small, long and narrow volcanic island, less than one mile wide and about five or six miles long.

在世人眼中,他是囚犯。但他怎樣看自己才重要。他說:「我是你們的弟兄。」也就是說,我們是一家人。我與你們是一樣的人。雖然他有非常特別的身份,是12 使徒中一個,其他使徒都過世了,只剩他一個。他可以很自豪的說:「我是唯一一個剩下的使徒。」但他卻很謙卑地說:「我是你們的弟兄,也是你們的 partaker 、partner 。中文比較難翻譯,所以譯作一同有分。原來是名詞,改譯成了形容詞。

In the eyes of people, John was a prisoner. Yet, the most important thing is how he looked at himself. He said: “I, your brother.” He is saying we are family, we are the same. John had a very special status, he was one of the original twelve disciples; and he was the only one left, all the others disciples had already died. He was the youngest one of all, yet he was not persecuted or murdered by the enemy. He was 95 years old. He could have been very proud of himself and could have said: “I am the only one left of all the apostles.” But instead he was very humble and said: “ I am your brother, and your partaker/partner . ”


Today business partners are called shareholders, but in the Kingdom of Heaven, we do not share company stock, so we cannot call it “shareholder”. You might call it “partner”. A partnership means that everyone comes up with something and puts it together. In fact, the word means that we all share in something together, to share or to partake. Share and partake of what? Here are a few aspects of sharing: Sharing in the suffering, sharing in the kingdom, sharing in patient endurance .



What does this really mean? Are we one of the owners? Are we a board member? Are we one of the staff members? Companions/partners in the Kingdom of Heaven are those who take part in the construction of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that it expands all over the world. We are not just citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven; we are officers who take part in building the Kingdom of Heaven in order to spread the Gospel throughout the whole world. John was forbidden to preach the Gospel when he was about 100 years old, the doors on earth where closed but the doors in heaven were still opened.



The building material that the Kingdom of Heaven is made of  is suffering. When the Kingdom of Heaven is finally built, it will be after the great tribulation. Trials and tribulations are the raw materials that the Kingdom of Heaven cannot do without. The early church was established and grew as a result of great persecution by the Jews and by the Roman Emperor. The Church in China was also established through adversity. They were persecuted by the people, by the government and by the Cultural Revolution; all these sufferings made the church to become stronger today.



What is the reason that this kingdom is continuously linked to tribulations and endurance? It is due to the fact that the building process gives priority to witnessing. To be a witness for the Lord, you have to carry the cross; you have to go through difficulties. People who have gone through difficulties will know about endurance. Trials and tribulations produce patient endurance. This kind of inner quality comes from the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is patience. Any believer who belongs to the Lord can depend on the Holy Spirit for endurance to overcome difficulties. Those who do not have the Holy Spirit will curse loudly, complain and blame God for everything bad that happens to them. We are indeed partners in patient endurance.

也是「為神的道,並為給耶穌作的見證」。希臘文的Martus 是見證人,Marturew 是作見證之意,變成今天英文之殉道者。因為當日的見證人,都成為殉道者。這天國的partner 不容易做。不過也不是人人有資格做殉道者,是祂所特別揀選,也是祂額外加給能力的人才有資格。

Another reason is because of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus. The Greek word “ Martus ” means witness, “ Marturew ” means to bear witness. In those days all the witnesses were martyrs. It is not easy to be a partner in the Kingdom of Heaven. Not everyone is qualified to be a martyr, only those who are specially chosen by the Lord and who have been given additional strength.


Two brothers, James and John, asked the Lord if they may sit at His right and at His left in His kingdom. The Lord asked them: “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?”(Matthew 20:22) The cup that Jesus was about to drink was a bitter cup; those who can drink His bitter cup will have great glory and a special place in the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who cannot drink the bitter cup will not receive that kind of glory.


9 曾在那名叫拔摩的海島上。10 當主日我被聖靈感動,聽見在後面有大聲音如吹號。

9 Was on the island of Patmos… 10 On the Lord's Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet.


Every kingdom has a territory. The Chinese character for country/nation 「國」(guo2) is made out of a square and inside the square the word 「域」(yu4) which means boundary/domain. During the times of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom the word inside the square 「域」(yu4) was changed to 「玉」(yu4) which means jade/precious stone for simplified writing. Simplified Chinese today uses this word 国 for country. But originally the character in the center of the square was 「域」(yu4) which is the character that forms the word 領域( ling3 yu4) which means boundary/domain/territory. The territory of the United States has its boundaries; it is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.


Where is the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven? Is it in the island of Patmos? In fact, the whole world is the territory of the devil. When the devil tempted Jesus in the desert, he took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and said: “All this I will give you, if you will bow down and worship me.” In fact, the whole world is under the rule of the devil. But Jesus is establishing His Kingdom in the devil's territory. How big is the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven? That depends on how many people obey the command of the King. Wherever there are people who serve the Lord that is where the Kingdom of Heaven is. It is as if Christ would have established an embassy inside the devil's territory.

這事在什麼時候發生?是在主日。耶穌升天之後,他們開始在七日的頭一日聚會,而不在過去的安息日,用來記念主復活之日。保羅的時代,即50 年代,稱聖餐為「主的晚餐」,90 年代稱七日的頭一日為「主日」,以後教會都是這樣用。因為禮拜天就是主耶穌復活的日子。「主日」,就是主的日子。

When did this happen? It happened on the Lord's Day. After Jesus went back to heaven, the believers started meeting together on the first day of the week, not on the Sabbath Day but on the Lord's Day, because that was the day of the resurrection of the Lord. During the times of Paul, until the year 50, the Holy Communion was called “The Lord's Supper”, in the  year 90 the first day of the week was called “Sunday”, and the church continued to use these terms up to the present times. Sunday is the day that the Lord Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead. Sunday is the Lord's Day.


Some people think that the purpose of the Sabbath is for people to take one day of the week to rest. Actually, the Sabbath has two purposes: to rest and to keep it holy by setting our work aside and dedicating that day to worship God. During the New Testament times, it was also when the King of the Kingdom of Heaven would issue His decree to the people. After Jesus resurrected, every time that He appeared to His disciples it was on a Sunday. John received the Lord's revelation also on a Sunday. Sunday is a very important day for the believers, it is the time of General Assembly in the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is the time when the King of Kings will let us know His imperial decree.


The location of this Kingdom is not that important, what is more important is the time. John was imprisoned in a desert island, without a church and without a congregation, but he worshiped the Lord on Sunday as usual. As a result, he found himself “in the Spirit”.


So the real scope of the Kingdom of Heaven is not on the earth. For John, the outside world had already disappeared, he was no longer on a desert island, and he seemed to have gone into another dimension, taken by the Spirit to a different place. Thus, we can say that when we gather together we are meeting in that same place. Where is that place? Actually, that is rather not that important, what is important is that we are all in the Spirit, we are meeting with the Lord in another dimension. Like a wireless network connecting heaven and earth. We have fellowship with the Lord and with other saints, like going into another territory; we can see and hear things that we cannot usually hear. The vision that John saw was much larger and more profound than what the prophet Isaiah saw in the temple.

“I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet.”


In the old times, a trumpet was used to gather people from a distance because the sound of a trumpet is very loud and can travel very far, like the loud speakers that we use today. What John heard was not the actual sound of a trumpet but a loud voice like a trumpet. The voice was so strong and full of authority that compelled John to listen and obey. So where is the Kingdom of God? It is where people listen and obey God's will, where His voice is more powerful than all other voices.


11 你所看見的當寫在書上,達與以弗所、示每拿、別迦摩、推雅推喇、撒狄、非拉鐵非、老底嘉那七個教會。

11 “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”

19 所以你要把所看見的,和現在的事,並將來必成的事,都寫出來。

19 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.

全書共有12 次吩咐他「寫下來」,這是第一次。皇帝禁止他傳道,但不能禁止他寫作。約翰本仁也是在坐牢的時候得異夢,寫下偉大的天路歷程。神的僕人雖然被囚禁,但神的話語卻不被囚禁。

John was told twelve times in this book to write down what he saw; this was the first time. The Emperor prohibited him from preaching the word of God but he could not prohibit him from writing. John Bunyan was also in prison when he had a dream which inspired him to write the best known and the most remarkable great book called The Pilgrim's Progress. The servants of God may be put in prison, but the Word of God can never be held captive.


What John wrote down was the proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven announcing to the members of the Kingdom to wait for its coming, and to build the Kingdom of Heaven in one accord. So it is not bad news but good news. Jesus Christ Himself told John to write down the message of the Book of Revelation for us to read it. It is the most special book ever. It is a book that must be read. Furthermore, it must be read and explained with the correct interpretation. This book is to be read by each and every one of the churches.


Why were these seven churches chosen? These seven churches were not particularly famous, big, or situated in large cities; they were not even particularly spiritual. At that time, other cities and towns also had churches, why were these seven churches chosen? These seven churches were chosen because they were a representation of all the churches during these two thousand years. The circumstances of these seven churches were very different, the Church in Smyrna suffered great persecution, but it was full of life; the Church in Sardis was called a church, but it did not have life; the Church in Laodicea thought it was rich, but could not spread the Gospel. The Church in Philadelphia was conscious of their little strength, but was greatly praised and used by the Lord to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Why such a big difference?


Not only churches from different places are unique, but churches from different eras are also very distinct. We are living in the final stages, anticipating the arrival of the end times. Earthquakes, natural disasters, pestilence, chaos caused by war, all these things are happening according to the prophecies of the Bible. The United States is in decline, if it was not so, the beast from the prophecy would not rise. This beast is the great kingdom that is against God. History is moving steadily towards that direction . We feel completely amazed to see how the events which at first seemed impossible are beginning to come true according to the prophecies of the Bible.


Another event that seemed impossible was the rise of the Chinese Church. Chinese people have worshiped idols for more than 1000 years; Buddhism had deeply infiltrated their hearts. Buddhist countries are poor and underdeveloped. Looking back at 1000 years of the history of China, it seemed that this country would soon come to an end like other Buddhist countries that fade away little by little. But unexpectedly, God moved western missionaries to come to China, advancing wave upon wave. Someone even dreamed of seeing a map pinpointing China and felt that it was God's calling for her to go to that place as a missionary. If this was not the work of the Holy Spirit, what kind of force was it?


By the end of the 20th century, many Christian scholars came to America from Taiwan and China; they were moved to serve the Lord in Chinese churches and in Bible study groups. They had their own career, but spent more than thirty hours a week doing evangelistic work and writing Christian articles. These professionals were working for the Lord throughout the United States. If this is not the power of the Holy Spirit, then what is it?


The Chinese Church suffered persecution for more than 100 years, like the times of the early church with the apostles. They were persecuted by the people and by the government, but the more they were persecuted, the more the church grew and got stronger. Now , at last, it is the time of the abundant harvest. The churches that are growing the most are the house churches in China as well as the Chinese churches overseas. The American and European churches are in decline and aging. On the other hand, there are more and more churches in China that are being established and are growing at a steady rate. Chinese churches all around the world are also growing.


Why is the Chinese church particularly blessed? It is due to the fact that the plan of God for the time of the gentiles is divided into different periods: first the European gentiles, then the American gentiles, and finally the Asian gentiles.


To preach the Gospel, actually, is to convey the message of the Kingdom of Heaven and to carry out the will of the King of the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the members of the Kingdom of Heaven must know the proclamation of God, hear clearly the declaration of God and carry out God's will.

願祢的國降臨 - 啟示錄的信息 The Message of the Book of Revelation by 葉華牧師 Rev. Carpus Yip (Bilingual Edition: 中文/English-- English Translation by Estela Yip)

願祢的國降臨 - 啟示錄的信息 Thy Kingdom Come - The Message of the Book of Revelation  by 葉華牧師Rev. Carpus Yip 基督再來的日期近了,祂永遠的國將要降臨在地上...